Soal UTS Genap Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5

Bid. Study : Bhs Inggris
Kelas          : V

1)    A place where the people go to get treatment is ……………….

2)    When we are sick, we will go to the…………
3)    Doctor      : have you ever got a cough
Patient     :……………
4)    The doctor give you a  â€¦â€¦.
5)    If  we what to buy a medicine, we get go to the…….
6)    Nurse       : Take the medicine ! and get well soon
Patient     : …………
7)    Mother      : have you eaten your breakfast
Fatih         : No, ……… ..
8)    The doctor who take care our teeth is called…….. 
9)    A room for the bathe man is ………………….
10) How can you get well soon ………….… you dont  what to eat and take the medicine
11) Now, have a sleep ! and get ……………... soon
12) Nurse       :  Have you eaten your porridge
Andik        :……………… ………  Nurse
13) Tono         : Good bye, Toni
Toni          : Good bye, tono ……….. leter
14)   A tool to know the temperature ofour body is …….
15)   Doctor Murod has examinded the patients by using a……

1.    What do you like to eat
2.    What do you like to drink
3.    Better – like – I – soto – than – chicken satay
4.    Translate : saya suka segelas susu dan semangkuk bubur dari pada secangkir tehdan sepiring mie
5.    Translate       : I prefer rice, fried chicken and water to soup and juice

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